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TIPS FOR Starting and Monetizating YOUTUBE Channels

Today I am going to share my experience related to you tube, since one year I am working on youtube channel which one is  running smoothly. During this year I face lot of problem like what to put on YouTube, how to get audience etc. I tried each and everything what I can do. So important thing is that atleast you have one talent which you can able to publish online. Otherwise every effort you putting on YouTube is useless.
There are following steps which you can follow in order to start a youtube

  • First find an area of talent like education, promotion, technical, etc.
  • After choosing one area try to find out an topic which is unique or people demanding in the market.
  • If yours expertise field already have content on YouTube than analyse those video and try to find out what you can add in it to make it unique.
  • Try to make the content more representative and unique in short try to put yours own contact.
  • Now how to get audience. this is one of the difficult phase for you tuber because in this phase you will find yours self in toggle condition because you Want to quit but you can't because of effort which you put in order to develop that channel so than what to do.
  • Nothing try to find what people are doing to permote there video.
  • In starting you are thinking like yours content is better than other channels. Than pay some amount like 100 rs or 50 rs to the website or app who do permotion.
  • Try to make blogs related to that video which you are putting on YouTube.
  • In short try to create the path to yours channel.
  • Punctuality and regularity is the thump rule to get success in the you tube because suppose you get the audience some how but they are not getting the contents what they require on time then they left the channel.

Now I am providing you 5 thumbs rule which you can follow in order to get monitarized

Thumbs rule for Tags

  1. Never ever puts tags in about section.
  2. Never puts the tags in the description. 
  3. Never ever use fake and wrong tabs.
  4. Never ever copy title in the tags.
  5. Use precise and specific tags

 Thumbs rule for Description
  1. ·         Wrong links in description
  2. ·         Never give wrong description
  3. ·         Never use too much links in the description.

Thumbs rule for Title
  1.  Never use fake title which force a person to click
  2.  Don’t write wrong title.
  3.  Never use words like free, hacks or impossible things.
  4. Never ever use long title.

Thumbs rule for Thumbnail
  1.          Never use wrongs words in thumbnails
  2.          Use your own thumbnails
    Thumbs rule for Content upload
  1. ·         put your own content
  2. ·         never puts content which leads to violence, hacking apps password cracks etc
  3. ·         never harass any in video
  4. ·         no copy right contents , music and audio
  5. ·         Xxx is not allowed according to YouTube policy
    Thumbs Rule for Video promotion and External sources
  1. ·         Never promote the videos too much from the external sources
  2. ·         Never takes helps of other resources to increase views and watch time.
     Hope so you like my suggestion please      subscribe and don't forget to puts yours    suggestion in comment box.
     Thank s for reading


How to solve java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver problem in java8

Today we are going to discuss about a problem faced by the programmer while working with JDBC ODBC driver in JDK 8. This JDBC ODBC driver is used when we try to use MS access as a Database in java. In order to do this we write following code:
import java.sql.*;

public class Database {

                public void getConnectionData()
                                Connection con=null;
                                Statement stm=con.createStatement();
                                ResultSet rs=stm.executeQuery("select * from Student");
                                System.out.println(rs.getString(2)+" "+rs.getString(3));
                                }catch(Exception e)
                                System.out.print("SORRY CONNECTION NOT COMPLETE DUE TO"+e);
public static void main(String arg[])
Database ob=new Database();

If we execute this code in earlier version of java it execute fine but moment we execute this code in JDK8 it start giving exception:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver

It happens because in JDK 8 or Java 8, JDBC ODBC Driver class has been removed.  Solution to the problem is just use Jackcess library or a commercial driver like HXTT either follow the following steps:

Step1: first download UCanAccess-4.0.4-bin from the following link:

Step2: Now place the file in a drive where you can able to access it after extraction

Step3: Now place path of all .jar file in the Class Path value in Environment variable as shown in figure.
For example E:\UCanAccess-4.0.4-bin\lib\commons-lang-2.6.jar;E:\UCanAccess-4.0.4-bin\lib\commons-logging-1.1.3.jar;E:\UCanAccess-4.0.4-bin\lib\hsqldb.jar;E:\UCanAccess-4.0.4-bin\lib\jackcess-2.1.11.jar;E:\UCanAccess-4.0.4-bin\ucanaccess-4.0.4.jar;

Figure 1: click on advance system settings

Figure 2: Now click on Environment Variable 
Figure 3: Set the Class Path value 
Step4: Now extract the ucanaccess-4.0.4.jar file in the same folder and set the path of Environment Variable equivalent to location of Jdbc class files.
Example: E:\UCanAccess-4.0.4-bin\net\ucanaccess\jdbc;

Figure 4: Extract the circled file and open net folder

In the last you have to make the following changes in the program:

import java.sql.*;
public class Database2 {
public void getConnectionData()
Connection con=null;
con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:ucanaccess://c:\\demoexcl\\Student.mdb;memory=false","","");
}catch(Exception e)

public static void main(String arg[])
Database ob=new Database();

con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:ucanaccess://c:\\demoexcl\\Student.mdb;memory=false");
is used to get connection with database.
//c:\\demoexcl\\Student.mdb indicate the location of yours database file.
Now you can able to run it.

output screen




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